Saturday, May 25, 2013

Save Rivers delegates say they’re against more mega dams from The Star

KUCHING: The Save Rivers Alternative Conference delegates have unanimously objected against building more mega dams in Sarawak.

The objection was contained in a declaration signed by 200 people from Bakun, Baram, Murum, Bengoh, Niah, Suai, Bintulu, Balingian, Mukah, Limbang, Simunjan, Melikin, Sri Aman and Sibu on Thursday night here.

“We are Kayans, Kenyahs, Penans, Bidayuhs, Ukits, Terings, Chinese, Malays and Ibans. Together as the people of Sarawak, we speak with one voice,” they said.

They charged that the 12 dams planned by the state government and Sarawak Energy Berhad would spell an end to their cultures, livelihoods and future.

“Our homes, our ancestral lands, our forests and our natural environment are gifts that our fathers and grandfathers have acquired and passed down to us, and they are the inheritance that we leave to our children,” stated the declaration.

The delegates said they rejected all mega dams and any form of development projects that would displace them from their ancestral lands.

“We demand that the government respect our rights to our land, our homes, our forests and rivers, and our right to decide our own future.”

They also wanted sustainable and community-based development that supported and guaranteed their livelihoods and preserve their natural environment.

“We invite communities from across Sarawak, Malaysia and the world to join us in our efforts to fight all mega dams so that we can protect our rights, culture, way of life and save Sarawak’s rivers,” they said.

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