Friday, May 17, 2013

Mawan will ask PM to slot his MPs into the new Federal Cabinet

KUCHING: SPDP will appeal to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to include its MPs in the Federal Cabinet.

Its president Tan Sri William Mawan Ikom said he would arrange a meeting with Najib to sort out the matter as soon as possible.

“I will ask the Prime Minister to give SPDP some slots in his Cabinet. I have checked through various channels and was given to understand that it could be due to possible oversight,” he told The Star yesterday.

Mawan, who is Social Development Minister, called on his party members and supporters to calm down and leave it to the leadership to handle the matter.

He said he too was disappointed and regretted that no MP from SPDP was in the Cabinet line-up announced on Wednesday.

He said although “it was not the end of the world”, SPDP hoped to be given a least two deputy minister posts as that was what SPDP previously had.

“We are very loyal to Barisan Nasional and very reasonable in asking for what we want. We have delivered all the four seats that were allocated to us. Therefore, we deserve what we deserve,” he said.

Mawan believed the Prime Minister was very fair and would listen to SPDP’s appeal.

He also expected the Prime Minister to make another announcement as he had reserved some slots for MCA.

“I believe he will put our representatives somewhere before he makes another announcement,” he said.

Mawan, who is also Saratok MP, said he would put forward the names of all the party’s MPs except himself for Najib to consider.

Besides Mawan, SPDP’s other MPs are Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing (Bintulu), Anyi Ngau (Baram) and Anthony Nogeh (Mas Gading).

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