Saturday, April 27, 2013

Richard Riot: Full minister would be a bonus

SERIAN: Datuk Richard Riot the Serian incumbent says being appointed a deputy minister is indeed an honour, but to be promoted to a full minister if he wins this election will be a bonus for him and the people who have rallied behind him for the past 22 years.

He said before being made deputy foreign minister it was difficult to bring the desired development to the people as his MP allocation was limited.

“But after being made deputy foreign minister and a little bit of power I have been able to contribute more to the people.

“If I win this election and made a full minister, it will be a bonus for the Bidayuh community,” Riot told a big crowd at his operation centre in Kampung Pichin, some 15km from here yesterday.

Riot said he did not expect a big crowd of more than 4,000 people made up of mostly women supporters from villages in his constituency and hoped their presence would be translated into votes.
“If each and every one of you can convince five other voters, then we can easily garner 20,000 votes and that will mean victory to the BN in Serian.”
When met later, Riot said he had to work harder even though Serian was considered a safe area.
“I have been campaigning door-to-door to meet the voters. We have 28 groups made up of 15 people each to go out to all the villages in Tebedu area and after that we will move to Mongkos area,” he said.
He said he had reached out to the Chinese voters in Serian and was convinced that they were behind him.
“I have also met up with the more than 1,000 headmen and JKKK members from all the villages just recently. Yesterday, I had a meeting with the men supporters.”
On issues raised by the opposition, he said that it was centred mostly on land, “but it is not a major issue here”.
Riot, who is also SUPP deputy-president, said he would not be able to assist in other SUPP areas as he was too busy in Serian. He is also his own director of operation.
Meanwhile, Kedup assemblyman Martin Ben, urged the people to vote for the BN in this election to give Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak another mandate to continue with his transformation programmes.
In the 2008 general election Riot won the seat with a majority of 13,427 votes against Sylvester Belayong of SNAP.
This time around, he is involved in a three-cornered fight against Edward Luak of DAP and Johnny Aput of Star. #myvote13 #ge13

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